Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Break 20109 or how to make your teenagers happy

Last week was the girls spring break. Andrew and Christian had their spring break earlier, so we left them at home and headed for Palm Springs.  Several friends from our ward joined us and we had fun swimming, sunbathing, shopping, eating, playing apples to apples and getting up at 2:30 a.m. to drive to the fox theater in Pomona to wait in line for a concert.  The girls were dead set on being first in line so they could be on the front row at the conert. Rachel even asked Heavenly Father if they could please be first in line when we had prayer in the car that morning.   We pulled up to the theater about 5:30 a.m. and no one was there.  The girls excitedly jumped out, threw the chairs and sleeping bag out and staked our claim.  I drove around the block to find parking and when I came back, there were two more groups of people in line after the girls.  When we talked to the second group in line behind us, they said they had been there all night, but had fallen asleep in their car, only to have us beat them in line.  I guess Heavenly Father really loves Rachel and does care about the little needs of a good teenager!   Because we were first in line, the girls also got to go to a meet and greet with "Lights" (one of the performers)  while I held their places in line.  The other groups performing were "Owl City" and "Paper Route."  Everything was G rated although deafening loud.  The girls had a great time. 
Adam Young of "Owl City" (they sing "Fireflies")
LightsPaper Route (below)Waiting in line wasn't so bad.The girls and their friends in line.

Jamie was happy the Collis family came to Palm Springs.  They took her home with them from Palm Springs while we went to the concert.

After we had a couple days to recoup from the concert, Emily and Rachel had "Mormon Prom."  Getting ready for that was no small task.  We spent all day Saturday at Meagan's salon, and the day before getting nails done..  Not to mention all the time we spent shopping for the right dress, boutineer, shoes, etc.  It was all worth it. The girls, their friends and their dates.

The Prom was a huge success. 

We all had a great week, never to be forgotten. 

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